A raspberry is a fruit produced by some species of the Rubus genus.
See Raspberry for more information
Raspberry may refer to:
- Rubus crataegifolius: The Korean raspberry
- Rubus idaeus: The European Raspberry, Framboise, or Red Raspberry
- Rubus leucodermis: The Blackcap Raspberry, Black Raspberry, Whitebark Raspberry, or Blue Raspberry
- Rubus occidentalis: The Black raspberry
- Rubus phoenicolasius: The Wineberry
- Rubus strigosus: The American Raspberry (R. idaeus strigosus)
- Rubus arcticus: The Arctic Raspberry
- Rubus fruticosus: Sometimes called the Bramble Raspberry
- Rubus nivalis: Snow Raspberry
- Rubus odoratus: Flowering Raspberry
- Rubus sieboldii: Molucca Raspberry
See also[]
- Black raspberry
- Fruit
- Raspberry
- Raspberry (disambiguation) on Wikipedia