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Plants Wiki

Stinkwood is a common name given to trees and shrubs thats wood releases an unpleasant odor, including:

  • Celtis africana (White Stinkwood), a tree native to southern Africa
  • Foetidia mauritiana, a plant found on Reunion and Mauritius
  • Gyrocarpus jacquini and Gyrocarpus americanus
  • Jacksonia furcellata (Grey Stinkwood), shrub or tree native to Australia
  • Jacksonia sternbergiana (Green Stinkwood), shrub or tree native to eastern Australia
  • Ocotea bullata (Black Stinkwood), native to southern Africa
  • Ocotea foetens (Til, Tilo), native to Macaronesia
  • Prunus africana (Red Stinkwood), native to subsaharan Africa
  • Zieria arborescens, native to Australia.